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· May 07th, 2024

TO DO · 05/20/2014

Taco Bell Drawing Club

Like hard shell tacos? Like drawing? Free Wednesday evenings? If you’re enthusiastically nodding your head up and down at these questions (and possibly drooling a little), we’ve got something for you: Taco Bell Drawing Club. It’s exactly what it sounds like.

Like hard shell tacos? Like drawing? Free Wednesday evenings?  If you’re enthusiastically nodding your head up and down at these questions (and possibly drooling a little), we’ve got something for you: Taco Bell Drawing Club. It’s exactly what it sounds like.


Jason Polan, a longtime Warby Parker collaborator and Mountain Dew frozen drink enthusiast, founded the club. The rules are pretty simple: show up, order food (or not), take a seat, draw whatever you please, finish your food, compare drawings, compliment each other, and then clean up your taco wrappers and art supplies. You really can’t go wrong, unless you spill Dew on your notebook. (Guilty!)


Our copywriter’s ambitious attempt at drawing

When: Every Wednesday, except when it’s not on Wednesdays. (Follow @jasonpolan to find out specifics)

Where: The Taco Bell at 18 East 14th Street in New York City



Bon appétit.



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TO MEET · 05/15/2014

Desk Job: Liz Furze

A desk can tell you a lot about a person—and we think we’ve got some pretty interesting ones here in our office. These are the stories of our favorites (and the folks who sit behind them).

A desk can tell you a lot about a person, and these are the stories of our favorites. (Desks, that is. And also people.) 

Liz Furze, Customer Experience (CX) Lead


Sarcastic Ball

“I inherited the Sarcastic Ball from another teammate at some point, and it’s been on my desk ever since. It’s great for keeping myself in check—whenever I need to be knocked down a peg, it’s there to sass me with a ‘Whatever’ or an ‘In Your Dreams.’”


Cat Card

“I manage a team of six associates in our CX department. I spent a few days in the hospital over the winter, and when I came back, my amazing team had this card and a bag of my favorite candy waiting for me. The cat now serves as my desk guardian and general harbinger of goodwill.”



“Right now, I’m reading The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. I’ve been on a big sci-fi kick recently. I like keeping physical books around—I love how they smell, how the pages of a book feel in my hands. I don’t think I understand the eReader obsession.”


Dave Gilboa’s cup

“Drinking out of the CEO‘s cup may be considered a bold move. I see it as maximizing my potential for absorbing greatness…through cup osmosis.”

Sunglasses: Jasper

Photos by Kelsey Rose

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TO BUY · 05/12/2014

We Spy: Coral

Why do the most adorable things come in Coral?

Why do the most adorable things come in Coral?

No one knows for sure. We just had to get involved.

From our Summer 2014 Collection, Sims in Coral

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TO DO · 05/06/2014

Eight Ways to Spend a Summer Day

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TO MEET · 05/01/2014

Desk Job: Rob Natale

A desk can tell you a lot about a person—and we think we’ve got some pretty interesting ones here in our office. These are the stories of our favorites (and the folks who sit behind them).

A desk can tell you a lot about a person, and these are the stories of our favorites. (Desks, that is. And also people.) 

Rob Natale, Customer Experience Content Coordinator



“The megaphone appeared on my desk one morning after a company outing. It has become the perfect heckling device when new hires first visit our office.”


Bingo card

“I found this vintage bingo card inside a desk during my first week working at Warby Parker in September 2011. It’s a subtle and constant reminder of how lucky I am (BARF, but seriously).”


Panama hat

“I borrowed this Panama hat during a Dolce Vita party when our offices shared a floor. For a while, I wore it as a signal when I wanted to work without interruption. It looks better on my computer than it does on me.”


Desk award

“My Secret Santa took inspiration from these various pieces and donned my desk the ‘Most Organized’ as the initial gift in a several-part Secret Santa reveal last year. The subtext, ‘We have to wonder if you actually do any work’ seems more apropos.”


Photos by Kelsey Rose

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TO MEET · 04/16/2014

Desk Job: Selin Olmsted

A desk can tell you a lot about a person—and we think we’ve got some pretty interesting ones here in our office. These are the stories of our favorites (and the folks who sit behind them).

A desk can tell you a lot about a person, and these are the stories of our favorites. (Desks, that is. And also people.) 

Selin Olmsted, Eyewear Designer


Frame samples

“I don’t think there is a single day of the year when there aren’t samples on my desk. We work with the same frames for two to three weeks, and then new samples magically appear!

“Some days of the month, there are so many frames and sketch print-outs here, I don’t see the table itself.”



“We do over 50-60 sketches per season for a core collection. They are everywhere: on the table, in the archive binders, on the boards—I’m surrounded by them. Help!”


Millimeter ruler

“Other than the computer, this is the single most important tool on my desk. Without it, I can’t sketch, measure, or review. It’s a tiny fellow, so it frequently gets lost under piles of paper—but somehow it shows up at the end of the day.”

Yellow clips

“I love them. They are happy and energetic—and I enjoy seeing them any time of the day.”


Brazilian Agate Coasters

“Since this wooden table has no finish to protect it, any glass we put on it leaves a mark—these are a staple in our design corner.

“Being designers, there was a lot of back and forth on which ones to go with, but we decided on the Brazilian Agate Coasters. We got them from The Evolution Store (our SoHo neighbors). I’m so in love with the look of them that I recently thought about using their patterns as inspiration for a new color.”


Photos by Kelsey Rose

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TO MEET · 04/04/2014

A Big Egg and Jason Polan

On April 1st, nearly 275 giant eggs (2 ½ feet tall to be exact) were hidden around New York City—and now it’s up to you to find them all.

On April 1st, nearly 275 giant eggs (2 ½ feet tall to be exact) were hidden around New York City—and now it’s up to you to find them all. Kidding! That’d be a lot of work. But if you choose to track one down during this year’s Fabergé Big Egg Hunt, we’d love for it to be ours.

We teamed up with artist Jason Polan to create the ultimate piece of egg art—The Island of Manhattan: Map and Egg Edition (AKA The Best Spots to Sit and Read a Book in Manhattan). It’s a comprehensive guide to reading and eating egg sandwiches in the city.

Jason recently chatted with us about his passion for books and sandwiches.

What qualities make a truly excellent reading spot?
A place you can sit without getting in someone’s way, maybe under a tree to lean against, but not completely in the shade. I like being in the sun. The spot should also have a nice breeze.

What are you reading now?
I finished a book called Blood, Bones & Butter by Gabrielle Hamilton last night.  She is the chef at (and owns) a restaurant called Prune.  I liked the book a lot.  I am not sure what I will read next.  I have a few (about 623) that I want to get to.

Favorite childhood book:
There were several I particularly liked.  One I am thinking about right now is CDB! by William Steig.

Favorite adulthood book:
I am having trouble thinking of just one.  Maybe Other People’s Trades by Primo Levi?

Egg_at work_2

How many markers did it take to draw this egg-shaped map?
A bunch!  Maybe nine or ten?  It does not look like a lot of space but we tried to get a lot on there!

Layer by layer, walk us through your ideal egg sandwich.
Some kind of nice roll (with sesame seeds on top) that was maybe warmed up a little, a cheeseburger with cheddar cheese, maybe some bacon (very crispy), some pickles (dill, not sweet), lettuce, grilled onions, ketchup, and the fried egg!

Where exactly can people find this big, beautiful egg?
Rockefeller Center!

Processed with VSCOcam with c2 preset


Can’t make it to the big egg? Pick up a limited-edition map at 192 Books, Strand (at 12th St.), Posman Books (Rockefeller Center and Grand Central Terminal), and Argosy.

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we’re reading, writing, seeing, making and doing.