We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with DonorsChoose.org, an organization that helps public school teachers across the country crowdsource materials and experiences for their classrooms.


Gardner in Whiskey Tortoise

To celebrate our friends’ good work, we called upon the perennial elementary school virtue of inclusion and created the Gardner, one of our most flattering sunglasses yet. The shape—detailed with a school bus-yellow line— universally suits teachers’ pets, playground rascals, and even comedy writers, like DonorsChoose.org supporter Mindy Kaling.

With every frame purchased from this collaboration, we’re donating a $30 gift card that each customer can use to contribute to the DonorsChoose.org project of his choice. And as always, for every pair of glasses sold, a pair is distributed to someone in need.

(In case your multiplication tables are a little rusty, that’s double the impact!)

Read more about our partnership here.

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