· 07/06/2015
A Few Thoughts on Improving Sightlines
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, vision disability is the single most prevalent disabling condition among children in the United States.
This is not good.
What IS good: it’s possible to tackle this issue, and we are working hard behind the scenes (along with many others!) to do so. We’re very proud to announce a new partnership with the City of New York to provide glasses to local students in need, as part of the Community Schools initiative.
A bit of background: lack of vision care is a critical issue for students citywide. We estimate that between 20-25% of New York City public students have vision problems and require optometric testing and glasses— but don’t have access to either.
As part of the newly-launched program, Warby Parker will provide one pair of glasses to all Community Schools’ students who need them during the 2015-2016 academic year. For the following three school years, we’ll will provide a pair of glasses to all new and transfer Community School students who need them.
Over the past year, we’ve been piloting a similar program in New York City—figuring out what works, what doesn’t, and how to make it go-go-go.
We’re beyond stoked to be working in our own backyard, partnering with the Mayor’s Office to ensure that kids have the tools they need to see the chalkboard, do their homework and go get that education.
Stay tuned for more updates.
Photo courtesy of Ackime Snow
Photo at top by Photographer/Ma