TO BUY · 11/11/2015
A New Book from Warby Parker Press!
Remember when we launched Warby Parker Press last winter? Well, good news: We’ve written another book! The title is Daydreamer’s Rx, and it’s a handbook of pre-fabricated daydream fantasies—for all of those moments in life when you feel like daydreaming but need some inspiration. It features surreal, imaginative prompts from our Copy team and beautiful illustrations from Maria Lokke.
To celebrate its release, we threw a daydreaming party at our store in Atlanta last Wednesday. At the event, guests could have their very own daydreams illustrated by talented artists, Mike Lowery and Sarah Neuburger. They were also given to marshmallow treats by Malvi and delicious beer from Creature Comforts. (YUM.)
“I can’t believe they published this?!”
You might asking yourself if that’s a woman riding a Tyrannosaurus. The answer is “yes.”
Quick. Everyone Instagram this marshmallow creation in 3…2…1
“You can find Daydreamer’s Rx at all Warby Parker stores right now.”