The Blog

· September 14th, 2024

TO DO · 02/17/2017

You’re a winner. And you’re a winner.

To celebrate our 7th birthday, we put together a one-day-only game of chance in which participants (like you) could enter (for free) in order to win glasses for life (no joke). In the spirit of instant win games, not EVERY player can win the big prize. That’s what makes it exciting!

Some things are better in good old-fashioned analog form than digital form. Like wall clocks. Or kitchen timers that are shaped like eggs. (*Ding*)

Prizes can go either way.

To celebrate our 7th birthday, we put together a one-day-only game of chance in which participants (like you) could enter (for free) in order to win glasses for life (no joke). In the spirit of instant win games, not EVERY player can win the big prize. That’s what makes it exciting!

In the spirit of Warby Parker, however, everyone is definitely a winner. We put together this digital prize pack for everyone to enjoy—it’s a lil’ grab bag of puzzles and playlists to put a smile on your face.

Go on and enter, and of course, enjoy!

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TO DO · 02/13/2017

It’s our 7th birthday!

In honor of our 7th birthday, we’re giving away a free scratch-off game called GLASSES FOR LIFE this Friday. It’s exactly what it sounds like: anyone who plays the game gets the chance to win glasses (or sunglasses) for the rest of their life. Why? Because scratch-off games are fun, and we love fun.

In honor of our 7th birthday, we’re giving away a free scratch-off game called GLASSES FOR LIFE this Friday. It’s exactly what it sounds like: anyone who plays the game gets the chance to win glasses (or sunglasses) for the rest of their life.  Why? Because scratch-off games are fun, and we love fun.

Scratch-off games are available on request for one day only, this Friday, February 17 Request a scratch-off game at one of our stores, or enter your details online (also on Friday) and we’ll mail you one. One per customer—gotta keep it fair! (Here are all the rules and regulations.)

Why are we doing this? A few reasons:

-Because seven is a lucky number.

-Because we want to share the fun with y’all.

-Because we only turn seven once.

-Because office parties are cool (pizza, etc.) but nationwide games of chance are downright THRILLING.

Insane? Yes. Fun? Also yes. Play on! (Just, maybe set a reminder first. Don’t forget!) Follow us on Instagram for updates.

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TO SEE · 10/05/2016

1,000 Pieces of Candy

Want to know a little behind-the-scenes tidbit about our new video, 1,000 Pieces of Candy? Watch it first and then click below. (You should actually watch it first, though—because spoilers follow.)

Want to know a little behind-the-scenes tidbit about our new video, 1,000 Pieces of Candy? Watch it first and then click below. (You should actually watch it first, though—because spoilers follow.)

O.K. here’s the spoiler. See that torrential candy downpour at the end? We made it happen with a rudimentary metal cage-type contraption that spun in circles overhead and released small pieces of candy at close random intervals. It was so low-tech that we might as well have been wearing breeches and woolen stockings.

Every time the director yelled “CUT”, a small army of people ran out with brooms to sweep away the candy and transfer it back up to the machine for the next take.

Movie magic!

And now, for more fun. To help celebrate “1,000 Pieces of Candy”, we’re giving away five pairs of single-vision prescription glasses to five winners. It’s easy to enter: just comment on our Instagram telling us how you’d spend a spare $405 (kinda like the guy in the video). We’ll choose our favorites by Friday, October 7th. GET CREATIVE, GUYS.

(Here are all the rules ’n terms of the contest.)

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TO BUY · 09/22/2016

Books We Love: “Paradise Lodge” by Nina Stibbe

When Britney Spears sang, I’m not a girl / …not yet a woman, she was describing precisely how half the human population feels from ages 13-17. Such wise words. For a more nuanced treatment of the adolescent years, we recommend Nina Stibbe’s new novel “Paradise Lodge.”

When Britney Spears sang, I’m not a girl / …not yet a woman, she was describing precisely how half the human population feels from ages 13-17. Such wise words.

For a more nuanced treatment of the adolescent years, we recommend Nina Stibbe’s new novel “Paradise Lodge“, which tells the coming-of-age story of a 15-year-old named Lizzie Vogel. Lizzie is British and comes from an intensely chaotic family. In order to obtain a sense of stability and also some pocket money, she takes a job at a local nursing home. Light mayhem ensues. Lizzie also falls in love, is pursued by truant officers for skipping school, is possibly complicit in a death, and helps arrange a wedding.

So much action! This one is a feast for the senses, the brain, AND the funny bone. Add it to your summer—wait, no—fall reading rotation.

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TO BUY · 09/15/2016

Books We Love: “Loner” by Teddy Wayne

Campus novels are like pizza. Even when they’re bad, they’re still pretty good. And when they’re great, BOY do they knock us out! Teddy Wayne’s new novel, “Loner”, tells the story of a young man making his way through modern-day Harvard armed only with his wits, his lust, his fear, his Lactaid and his will to escape freshman obscurity.

Campus novels are like pizza. Even when they’re bad, they’re still pretty good. And when they’re great, BOY do they knock us out! Teddy Wayne’s new novel, “Loner“, tells the story of a young man making his way through modern-day Harvard armed only with his wits, his lust, his fear, his Lactaid and his will to escape freshman obscurity.

The book follows young David Federman as he lurks and creeps his way through year one, pursuing an unworthy crush, breaking a heart, losing his virginity, bending the rules, abusing literary theory and committing an act of unspeakable atrocity. College!

Read it if you like David Lodge or Kingsley Amis or Philip Roth or—duh!—Teddy Wayne. Buy buy buy.


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TO DO · 06/30/2016

Books We Love: Stephanie Danler’s “Sweetbitter”

Some books are infectious. Maybe one of your friends reads a book in two hours and presses it on another friend, who reads it over a single weekend and passes it along to the next person, and quickly that book transmits itself across a social network and boom! It’s an epidemic. But in a good way!

Some books are infectious. Maybe one of your friends reads a book in two hours and presses it on another friend, who reads it over a single weekend and passes it along to the next person, and quickly that book transmits itself across a social network and boom! It’s an epidemic. But in a good way!

Stephanie Danler’s “Sweetbitter” is that sort of book. (The outbreak originated in our creative department here and spread rapidly throughout the office).

Part of the book’s potency is the subject matter, which involves a young woman who moves to New York and becomes a backwaiter (*which is like a junior-varsity waiter) at an upscale restaurant which may or may not be based on a legendary now-defunct establishment.

The narrator encounters obstacles of all kinds: cockroaches, hangovers, social humiliation, unflattering nicknames. She does a significant amount of drugs. She reveals inside dope about the restaurant industry in generous scoops. She wears a pilled cardigan to a job interview.

This is Danler’s first novel, and boy, what an opening salvo! Why not order a copy and start your own little pandemic?

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TO BUY · 06/24/2016

Books We Love: Chuck Klosterman’s “But What If We’re Wrong?”

Reading Chuck Klosterman books (in general) is like wandering into a party and instantly locking in with the best conversationalist in the room. He is funny! But he is also profound! He asks questions in a way that subtly reframes the way you perceive the world! He is clearly a beacon of rarified knowledge—the sort of person who knows exactly where the good party snacks are located. (“Party snacks” is a metaphor.)

Reading Chuck Klosterman books (in general) is like wandering into a party and instantly locking in with the best conversationalist in the room. He is funny! But he is also profound! He asks questions in a way that subtly reframes the way you perceive the world! He is clearly a beacon of rarified knowledge—the sort of person who knows exactly where the good party snacks are located. (“Party snacks” is a metaphor.)

But What If We’re Wrong?” is Klosterman’s new book, and it delivers all of the above pleasures with many specific added bonuses. As we passed a copy around the office, we learned many useful nuggets. For example, did you know Herman Melville based “Moby-Dick” on the real-life 1839 account of a murderous sperm whale nicknamed “Mocha Dick”? This is a real thing, and it is emblematic of the sort of research Klosterman gleans for his book.

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The Warby Parker blog is where we post about things
we’re reading, writing, seeing, making and doing.