· 09/17/2014

Down. Set. Flick!

We have an affinity for games, sports, or anything even slightly competitive. It’s not that we’re aggro, we just really enjoying toeing the work-play line.

So when we set up shop in Dallas, we made it a priority to carve out space for recreational activity. Being in Texas, football came to mind. Our store, however, isn’t ideal for such bustling activity. (You know, flying footballs and shelves of glasses don’t exactly harmonize.)


The solution: flick football! It’s weirdly competitive, super fun, and doesn’t require a ton of space (or athleticism). To kick things off, we held our first flick football tournament this past month. As advertised on the flyer—which was distributed to local businesses to cull local talent—we promised “sports, beer, and friendly competition.” All three promises were kept.


In all, seven talented teams participated in the event. The competition was stiff, and the winner was Bolsa Mercado, who also happened to supply the tournament with delicious beer and popcorn. Coincidence? Actually, yes.


3Not a winner!

6Everyone’s a winner!





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